Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A beautiful place

 Let’s face it, image holds great importance. Personal image, projected image, construed image. As such, the image you construct, the way you choose to represent yourself to the world is very important. In our western society, anyways. To me it’s not necessarily about what you wear, but rather how you carry yourself. The same applies to your house, your desk at work, everything. It doesn’t matter with what you drape or decorate something, it’s more about the final picture and what it says about you. A few days ago, i went to visit my friend’s house. This friend is very inspirational to me. She is wise beyond her years, she has travelled the world and I admire her viewpoint on life and relationships. She has a very personal style, one that is composed of vintage treasures and carefully curated pieces. Her house is just the same. It was the first time I had seen it and I was blown away. It was bare yet very full. It was modern yet had vintage touches here and there. Everything has a place in her living environment and each and every item has a purpose and seems to have been chosen with care. This is how I perceived it, anyways. So I got to thinking: what does our living quarters say about us?

What does my room say about me? My walls are bare, my belongings are scattered…there’s no direction there, no purpose. Do people judge me as such? There are days when I really care. Where I want to haul over my complete wardrobe, my whole life and start anew with a sense of styling, of carefully though out meticulousness. And sometimes, I want to rebel against this whole idea. Why do we give so much importance to appearances? Shouldn’t we dig deeper? Shouldn’t we aim to not judge a book by its cover? I am a messy person and I tend to not put things in their right place and yes, ok, sometimes it’s hard to live with me. I may never have a perfect apartment and I’ll probably always be a little bit all over the place. In the big picture, I think that what I wish above all else, is to make people comfortable in my home, in other words, to make my house, my home. Whether perfectly curated or not. xox

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