Monday, January 30, 2012


Parce que parfois, à deux c'est mieux. xox

What makes you happy?

 Angelina = radiance, beauty, happiness

In the human migratory pattern of life, individuals flock towards the goal of happiness. Two things are certain: suffering and death are usually to be avoided, if given a choice. Happiness differs from one person to the next but in most cases, love, shelter and a full-belly helps to reach this goal of bliss, no matter how fleeting it is. I have given a lot of thought-nay of lot of years- to happiness. What it is, and how i can attain it. I'm not implying that i found a secret formula. It's just that for me, who generally tends to vacillate easily towards depression, happiness is an important concept. So here's what i learned: happiness is what you make of it-of your life, of any given moment. I read a great interview with Drew Barrymore recently where she mentioned that : "happiness is a choice. You have to work at it, and stick with it." I like that notion. I used to wish for things to come, things i thought would make me happy: a boy, money, traveling, clothes, independence. But i really am realizing that no one can make you happy but you. And you make your own happiness. So stop thinking that a man will come and make it all better. That more money will solve all of your problems. That a change of settings necessarily mean you'll be more joyous. It won't. In fact, realizing that being happy is fleeting is paramount. As humans we go through a plethora of emotions. And we can't feel blissfull all the time. That's ok. It alright to be sad sometimes just as it is your right to feel happy. And when you do, revel in it. And when you don't, don't dwell on it.

I leave you with this thought: what makes you happy? Make a list, make a mental note. It's good sometimes to keep track of the good, and not just of the negative. Here's what makes me happy right now: writing this blog, laughing with my coworkers, having goals, feeling useful, eating deserts (lots of it), watching Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey, cuddling with my dogs, shaking my ass off, a good meal with good friends, flirting, the promise of an upcoming trip, clean laundry.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kiss Kiss


Color me pretty

A little colorful daydream to combat the dreary weather. oui, svp! xox


Because sometimes, you need to find your way. xox

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Image via From me to you

"If it is right, it happens—The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away."
John Steinbeck.

Do you sometimes feel like you were meant to read something. Like somehow you find exactly the right quote, at the right time? I feel like this now. xox

Petites fleurs

1. Vincen Van Gogh, 1890
2. Mosque ceramic
3. Textile print


Treasure Hunters

Quest to remove boogers with bare hands = Nic Cage's adventure into a dark grotto for treasure

Men, men, men. Mysteries, puzzles...animals? Seriously, why do men feel the need to clean the deepest insides of their noses with their bare hands? Premise: As i am quietly daydreaming at a red light yesterday, off comes vrooming next to me a young lad with a massive Range Rover. I innocently look at the young man, wondering if the owner matches the car, only to find said youngster with an entire finger scratching which i can only assume is by now the inside of his brain. One word: Disgust. You have boogers. I understand. I sympathize. I have those myself sometimes. but I use a KLEENEX. You know, that neat invention that is a paper-thin tissue that you can use to blow your nose, wipe your arse or eat (anyone else has seen My Strange Addiction on TLC? genius). This is not the first time that i have seen men use their fingers to clear their nasal openings of any roadblocks. And everytime, i am flabbergasted. I mean, this is not a random deserted road in the middle of the boonies. It's freaking downtown Montreal. You are in public. People may see you. You feel like taking a trip back to your youth and use your pinky to drag your boogers out of your nose? Do it, by all means, but do it in the comfort of your own home. Not on the street, in your car, at the restaurant or in my head. Capish? A huge thanks from all of humanity. 

What the water gave me...

Need the water. xox

Friday, January 20, 2012

Remembering to...

Happy week-end y'alls! xox

A house is not a home

Images via all over the web

Until you make it yours. Until you feel it is yours. Whether you live in a mansion, a small apartment, a loft, a basement or a penthouse, you have to instill some of yoursel in it. Now, i, unfortunately (or fortunately) still live at home, but i've given myself the goal of moving out within the next year. Exciting/Scary. So in thinking ahead i have amassed a (scary) charming inspiration folder. I hope i can get my abode, however modest it will be, to look like this. xox

Le Rouge, c'est l'amour!

At least, i think it is because this is what i'm feeling for this first dress. Available only at French Connection in Australia, alas! sigh. xox

In too deep

Images via

Indonesia-based photographer Hengki Koentojoro makes sublime pictures, don't you think? xox

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Explosion de couleurs

Raving over the work of Catalan-born turned Berliner, Yago Hortal. xox


Aging gracefully

Photo via Just Jared

This, this is how i want to look at 66 years old. Period. xox

Crossing the finish line

Or not... Life, however fickle, is not a race. Not for me anyway. The goal is to accumulate experiences, friendships, short, to live. And living without any passion is not worth living at all. But what happens when you have a plethora of passions, or projects but seem unable to finish them? I dearly admire people with certainty. People who've always known what they were to accomplish and went after it. People who don't doubt their choices but rather embrace them. People who have been playing the same sport or instrument for years. People who have been pursuing the same career path since they were infant. People...unlike me. You see, i have an insatiable appetite for learning. And passionate i sure am. But i seem to be unable to see things through. To find my one niche that i love and to stick with it, without getting bored and without seeking a new thrill. This goes from reading and finishing a book, to sticking with a career path, to finding a worthwhile hobby, to yes, finding a great partner. One needs direction, a sense of purpose and a sense of accomplishment that a strong and thorough mind can bring. And sometimes i see my passion for everything and anything as a gift. And sometime i see it as a curse. Have you ever felt this way? xox

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Speeding around the world

I urge you to watch this breathtaking video. A must. xox


F. Scott Fitzgerald on his wife Zelda:

"i fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self respect. and it’s these things i’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. i love her and it is the beginning of everything."