Striped bridesmaids dress? I die. |
want this nail polish so bad. |
So last night i watched the indie movie
The Romantics. If you don't know what that movie is, it's probably because all of 12 people across North America have seen it. It's too bad really, since there's a lot of great actors in it (Malin Akerman, Candice Bergen, Anna Paquin) but the story is awful and self-indulgent. But really what i got back from the movie -the story of a group of friends with an incestuous dating history - is that for many of my generation -late 20's - marriage seems to be, well, something to take very lightly. In essence, the plot follows privileged kids as two of them are about to get hitched - despite knowing that they don't truly love each other and that in fact, the groom as been cheated on the wife with her best friend for a decade. Another couple featured are married, despite the fact that they absolutely don't trust each other - and indeed they shouldn't. I know that the concept of adultery or cheating is as old as Christ -im talking to you Mary Magdalena - but it's seems rampant nowadays and to my dismay - a widly accepted affliction. Well, everyone cheats seems to be the message echoed by my generation. Now, i know that in this day and age, what with technology, job mixers and very faithful friends, it is undoubdebly somewhat easier to cheat on one's partner. Inevitably, flirting will occur, attraction may be born and nurtured but hey, should you go as far as to sex someone else in your partner's back? Furthermore, and here is the million dollar question, if you knew your partner was cheating on you, would you stay? Would you get married or would you stay married? Call me old-fashioned but i feel like people laugh in the face of the sanctity of marriage and more importantly of commitment. Cheating is glamorized - fuck you Don Drapper - and marriage is glamorized too. And so both go hand in hand. It's quite sad actually. Now, i don't know if i'll ever get married - ill have to find the groom first - but i do know that to me, it's a freaking big deal. Agreeing to be with someone, really be with someone, is huge and terrorizing and beautiful. Not something that you agree to like you would to, i don't know, going to the movies. And so, when it comes to marriage, to me, it's not the freaking ceremony and all the surrounding bullshit that counts. It's whats being done there, it's the willingness of two people to commit to each other, on the regular and at least for the next few years (forever seems like an awful long time, doesn't it?). When i saw the sweet wedding pictures of this couple above, i nearly fainted, overwhelmed with too much beauty. They pulled their wedding in 6 weeks. No pressure, no table chart, none of it. Just them, a pretty dress, friends, and each other. That sounds like how i would like to live forever. Too good. xox
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