Monday, May 14, 2012

A gesture

Whatever happened to gestures? The other day, as I was exiting a building, I held a door opened for an elderly gentleman with his hands full. As he was passing by me, he apologized. Why?, i quipped. Because it is courtesy for a man to hold the door and not the other way around, was his answer. I was mesmerized. No man ever-or barely-ever holds the door for me. And many a time, i have been on dates where the men haven't even offered to paid. I may look independent and strong but sometimes i wish chivalry wasn't dead. I can do most things on my own and i take pleasure in my freedom. But, a gesture, when genuine, can feel so good. Money has nothing to do with it. A single white rose on your birthday. Or a car door opened not to impress, or to suck up but because you feel like making her special is what i'm referring to. A coffee made because she's busy and stressed. A small act out of genuine care.  I know that wishing to have John Cusak holding a boombox blasting Peter Gabriel is not in the cards. But shit, that would be nice.  xox

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