Thursday, June 21, 2012

Curls girls

My sister's passion for all things Scottish has got me really excited about the new Disney/Pixar movie Brave. Although my excitement lies more in the fact that this is, as far as I remember, the first CURLY-HAIRED heroine in a cartoon movie. I mean, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Belle, Mulan, Arielle, Pocahontas...all perfectly smooth and straight hair. Rapunzel got a lil wavy thing going on but barely. Even the freakin' dark-colored skin princess in the Princess and the Frog (who should, by all accounts have an afro) wears a tight bun, what's up with that? So finally, a gorgeous-albeit animated- curly hair role model has arrived. Which made me think of my own head of unruly curly hair and how i manage-or fail- to manage it. Once upon a time...I had a lot of money. Or rather I was working for myself and I had the illusion that I was richer. Any who, I used to spoil myself with Kerastase products. And they are...AMAZING. The Oleo-curl line is divine, smells amazing and will leave your curls bouncy and manageable. Sure, its a bit of a stretch financially but it truly is worth it. Right now, my hair feels like straw and i truly wish i had some. So buy. xox

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