Monday, December 31, 2012

Year in review

I always dread the ubiquitous recap post every year end. I dread it because while necessary, I find it quite painful to take stock of the good and the bad. As if somehow, it was too cliché, or worst, as if i wanted to burry my head in the sand for fear of disappointment, of realizing that my life perhaps is not where it ought to be or where i would like it to be. And this, I think it's the heart of the matter and a trap, I, too often fall for: who says things should be a certain way? Who says things have to be perfect? This year, I've been humbled my mistakes, gratified by hard work, inspired by so many things, proud of my accomplishments, and grateful for opportunities that have been bestowed upon me. I have also been embarrassed by the way certain events have unfolded...because they didn't hold a candle to my expectations. But then I realized: who gives a shit about expectations? Some things might not turn out the way you wanted them too but perhaps that makes it more interesting, more human and yes, more humbling. So here's what I wish for 2013 to be: a humbling year full of fuck-ups and learning curves, full of laughter and joy, full of common made extraordinary, full of LOVE. I want love to be all around, to touch everything i do and perhaps, if i'm the luckiest girl in the world, to enter my life permanently. But as it ever was, if my wishes are not met, if for some reason, things don't turn out the way i planned, if I hit a wall... than at least, i know I have self-love and that is invaluable. Wishing you all the most glorious and joyful year. A year of YES. xox

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