Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I haven't always felt grateful for the things I have in my life. In fact, this is a fairly new concept to me. There was a time where I was in a very dark place and didn't feel lucky at all. I wanted to be someone else, to live someplace else, to own what others owned. I was repulsed by my own existence and thought everyone had it better than me. Then one day, I realized that I was pretty darn lucky - I think I realized this the day I stepped out of my depression. I had a sound body, a sound mind, good people who loved me, a roof over my head, ambitions and the will to change whatever was going wrong in my life. While I was in Florida, I watched a mid-day program (which shall remain nameless) on stress and more precisely how to de-stress your life. The number one thing was to be grateful. To focus on what you have instead of what you lack. In fact, gratitude is the number one pillar of meditation and brings about peace of mind and a sense of purposefulness. Ever since I climbed out of my dark place 3 years ago, I feel grateful every single day. I even feel grateful for the crappy days! I urge you to try it. I feel a peace in my soul and it fills me with immense joy. Without falling too deep into sentimentalism, life is pretty fucking spectacular. Don't ya think? xox

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