I had a really interesting discussion with a coworker yesterday who, to protect his identity, shall therefore be named Julio Iglesias. Anywho, J.I. was telling me about this older girl he had met who had told him that she was looking for a steady relationship. And I could tell that he had been spooked. Big time. And I understand that from a man's perspective, that can be...a deal breaker. And every self-help book will tell you that telling a man you have just met that you want kids and a white picket fence will have the same consequences as Hiroshima. But the thing is that if a woman tells you this, it doesn't mean she wants a relationship with YOU (although maybe I concede some may want that-but not ALL). It simply tells you that there is a certain level of bullshit that she will not tolerate. It simply says that she doesn't want to be dry-humped in a dark corner or be fondled in the backseat of your car. Or maybe she does but ultimately, this is not what she is looking for. So gents, please. If a girl tells you this, please don't freak out (unless she is pulling a Carrie on you, then yes, do run). Have sexual intercourse, be happy, and don't think that this girl wants you to be her baby daddy. She is maybe just looking for some stability. And maybe she's fed up of the games. But this doesn't mean that she will settle for the guy she just met -aka you. And I'm pretty sure the same goes for you. Or maybe, she's just really cool and honest and doesn't want to lead you on. Wants to tell you that you + her is just going to be for fun, because that's all she thinks you can offer. Just a thought.