Saturday, June 23, 2012

Plans: an update

A couple weeks back, I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish this summer. Well, for no other reason than to -again- kick myself in the butt, here's an update on what's been accomplished or not.

1- Go camping in Maine --> Not yet but soon
2- Drive along the coast (a coast, any coast) --> Not yet...
3- Watch all the movies on my to-watch list--> I'm halfway through! This is going along good.
4-Give oysters another try-->Grrr...
5-Go to a fabulous party, in a fabulous dress --> YES!
6-Hop on a motorcycle (i've never rode on one)-->No :(
7-Take my dogs for a swim--->Nope
8-Walk along two main streets i am not familiar with in Montreal (Laurier and Bernard) and explore the shops and little cafés-->Did half of that one! Walked on Laurier street, was beautiful!
9-Try a completely foreign and exotic dish (i'm thinking Tibetan or Persian)-->No!!
10-Get a tattoo-->Well, this exercise is getting frustrating
11-Download more songs-->...
12-Clean my car--> a definite NO
13-Spend an evening watching the stars-->Did a little star-gazing the other day but not a full-evening
14-Make more smoothies-->Ok, I suck
15-Fall in love (with something or someone)--> Still working on that...

So...wish me luck! xox

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