Tuesday, January 29, 2013
How perfect are these fushia rugs? I am more into a neutral palette when it comes to decorating but these splashes of color are making me rethink my strategy. Gorgeous! xox
The hart of it
I have a confession: I'm kind of obsessed with Hart of Dixie. It's my guilty pleasure! There's love, there's drama, there are cute boys and there's style! Oh the style is good! Rachel Bilson always looks so sophisticated and polished, no wonder she makes them boys crazy! So, if you want some mindless, entertaining television, watch it. Because sometimes, that's what you need. xox
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Let's be adventurous
Is there such a thing as an adventure club? Cuz I think we should start one. I need to pack up and leave. And live a little. Let's GO! xox
Let's face it: having confidence is hard. Not only are we plagued with "comparitism" (the affliction of constantly comparing ourselves to others) but confidence is also a moving and fickle concept. Confidence, I believe, is something you have to work at everyday. For me, it's not easy. For others, it comes more naturally. But the point is, you have to entertain it. Last year, i felt like I let myself go a little. I didn't care much about my appearance. Now i don't suggest that one's appearance or physical beauty should be the end all and be all (i firmly believe you have to feed your mind after you've filled your closet). I do suggest, however, that one take pride in how they portray themselves. That one should show a little love to oneself. So this is what I've been doing. Giving my self some lovin'. Spoiling myself (a little), giving myself face mask, doing my nails...just things that make me feel good. I think that when you feel good, you project goodness. So I hope that whoever you are and where ever you are, you work at being strong, smart and beautiful. Because it is important. And so are you. xox
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Palm beach
I adore palm trees. I do. Maybe because i associate them with warmth and the sea. Or maybe because I can feel the salty ocean breeze on my face rushing through their leaves. In any case, I want to see them. Soon. I need to. Yes. xox
Work of nature
Loving the work of artist Christopher Marley, who specializes in working with natural organisms and organizing them in an artful and stunning manner. xox
Before Midnight
If you've read this blog before, you know that I've adored the Before Sunrise and Before Sunset movies. These indie darlings have managed to approach relationships and the oft complicated relationships between men and women with humor and strength. You want CĂ©line (Julie Delphy) and Jesse (Ethan Hawke) to end up together, yet life and the sometimes questionable rationale behind it, makes you understand- and even accept- why they could decide to part ways. In fact, Before Sunset, the second movie, leaves you hanging: will they or won't they? Well, true to form - it's been 9 years - the third and presumably final installment of their saga is upon us. Before Midnight premiered to stellar reviews this week at Sundance and promises to deliver the same kind of honest approach to love as its two predecessors. Themes expected to be touched upon are soul mates, intimacy and very basically: how can you keep your love alive? I can't wait to see it and really recommend the first two movies. I feel like they are voices of a generation, many generations in fact. Let's face it, life and love are no easy feat and it's refreshing to know that (even fictional) characters share the same struggles! Romantics and cynics alike will love it. Promise. xox
Friday, January 25, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
"We are very good at preparing to live, but not very good at living. We know how to sacrifice ten years for a diploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house, and so on. But we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive." Thich Nhat Hanh
Not broken
I can't even explain how much I love this. You are never broken. You may be broke but it will only make you better in the end. Something to remember. xox
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Sunny Brook
I have a confession: I don't like tutorial videos (unless, its for knitting in which case, thank you for existing!). I usually find them too informative and boring. Enters Sunny Brook. She's a super cute hair and makeup artist from LA. Her website is adorable (and focuses also on well-being because, quite honestly, beauty fades) and her videos are unpretentious and quick. Seeing as my hair is a constant source of frustration for me, I love her waves tutorial. Another confession: I tried her Curls while you sleep technique and it actually works! Miracle! So do yourself a favor and check her out! xox
Drew Barrymore is, to me, the embodiment of happiness. Of course, she is only human (and I am sure she has shitty days) but I admire her greatly. I love that despite all the obstacles she has encountered, she still radiates a light and a joie de vivre unmatched by any other "celebrities". She has kept the same friendships for ever and despite her falling outs in love, still remained an optimist (and is now happily married with a gorgeous child). This is what I aspire to be. In other words, I want to be you, Drew. xox
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The end of love
The End of love is expected to be a serious contender at Sundance this year and I can't wait to see it. Based loosely on actor Mark Webber's life (Webber is no longer with the mother of his son Isaac) the film illustrates how adults can sometimes rely on their children to provide them with love and emotional support (when really, it should be the other way around). It looks so raw and rings very true (in my case). Must see. xox
Oyster Inn
One day, my big trip to Australia and New Zealand will happen. And one day, I'll visit the beachy village of Oneroa and the dreamy Oyster Inn. xox
Monday, January 14, 2013
On my own
My upcoming move has got me thinking a great deal about me. Me as an entity. Me, without these safeguards that I have created for myself. Me without any of the armor or the safety net. And a sentiment of panic immediately takes a hold of me. As, I do not know who I am without my family, my house, my dogs. Which brings me to emotional dependency. I suffer from it. A lot of people do. But many ignore it or think it is simply the natural course of being. I remember a few years ago reading about Ashley Judd going into rehab for emotional dependency. I used to wonder what it was. Now I know that it entails needing others in order to define yourself. Needing to please them, needing their approval, needing their love in order to validate yourself, your purpose. But if you remove those people, who are you? Who am I without these people to please? Without these men that I so tenaciously try to attract (often to no avail)? Who am I on my own two feet? I want to find the strengh to get up and do things for me. Get dressed for me and feel good about it, not incidentally after a man looks at me. I want to build a home, not out of necessity but because I want to. I want to be happy with just being, not because I know I make others happy. This is about fortitude. It's about self-discovery. Clearly, I am a late bloomer. But it's never too late i think to make it right. Starting now. xox
Best in show
Award ceremonies' focus should undoubtedly be on the crafts and accomplishments being celebrated. But, if we are going to take a moment (or two) to observe, dissect and judge what the attendees are wearing, let's do it with class, shall we? Fashion is about wearing what makes you feel good (i'm looking at you Lucy Liu, props to you), enhancing your beauty (hello Julianna Marguiles) and yes, making a statement (Kate Hudson, WOW). My favorite? The demure, subtle but oh so romantic Givenchy-number worn by Amanda Seyfried. Because it won't make any best-dressed or worst-dressed list but will always, always, stand the test of time. xox
Just right
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All images via Britta Nickel |
The perfect:
1. Bed
2. Accessories
3. Bookshop
4. Coffee table and flowers
5. Drink (chocolate, always).
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Personal space
Seeing as I am currently in the process of looking for an apartment, I get pretty obsessed whenever I see inspiring spaces. Even though I am forever grateful for my current situation, I simply cannot wait to have my own space, one I can freely decorate and arrange in a manner reflective of my personality and aesthetics. Vena Cava's Sophie Buhai's abode is pretty much perfection in my book. Would love an airy space, full of light, white washed and with slight touches of colors. Please perfect apartment, please find me. xox
I am usually not one to complain (seriously) but man, is the flu ever a bitch this season. I am feeling pretty under the weather. So guys, please amp up the Vitamin C intake, drink loads of water and cross your fingers that you don't get it (it's now considered an epidemic, I think). Sending you lots of hugs (but not sickly kisses). xox
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Can't stop the water
Last Stand on the Island from Evan Abramson on Vimeo.
Can't Stop The Water from Cottage Films on Vimeo.
Instead of spending 15 minutes watching crazy stupid TV, I urge you to take this time to watch these two short films. Isle de Jean Charles is the inspiration behind this year much buzzed Beasts of the Southern Wild. 24 families remain on this sinking island. Native American, french speaking fishermen (my people!!) who stand strong despite internal polarization (the tribe chief wants to move the reservation) and obvious concerns (the island is sinking or eroding dangerously fast into the sea). These films moved me. Maybe it's the journalist in me but i find these subject stories fascinating. In fact, I would very much like to visit this island before it is but a memory. Watch it. Please. xox
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