Saturday, June 30, 2012
Day 8
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Image via Just Jared |
DAY 8: Ways to win your heart?
Ok, when is this 15-day challenge over?
How to win my heart? With kindness, laughter, sarcasm and adventure. With respect and humility. I want a nice guy. Someone who'll want to spend time with me, who'll want to experience the world and laugh and have fun. Someone who wont sleep with anybody else while we are together. Someone who'll buy me lunch sometimes, even if it's McDonald's. Someone who'll make me a sandwich without me asking (like my sweet friend Philana's husband does.) I want to feel inspired. Inspire me, love me and ground me, and i'm yours. xox
Maybe McQueen
I have discussed on here how much I was touched by the death of Andy Whitfield, the actor who played in Spartacus. I wasn't quite so sure why then, and I still ain't sure why now, i'm so affected by it. Was it the fact that he was so good looking? Looked so strong? Had just started his carreer as an actor? Or that he was such a young dad? Or moreso that it reflects back to me my own mortality? I may never know but the point is that I feel this deep sting of pain whenever I think about it.
Which is why I was nearly brought to tears at work (no joke) when I discovered Maybe McQueen, a blog started by Whitfield's wife Vashti in hommage to her husband. Her blog follows her through the ups and downs of raising two young kids, of loosing your best friend and moving on. It's beautiful and poignant and hard-wrenching all at once. A must read.
Unexplicable desire to watch Sabrina. Might indulge this week-end. Have an amazing relaxing love-filled week break! xox
Friday, June 29, 2012
A well-traveled woman
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Image by famed surf photog LeRoy Grannis via The Selvedge Yard |
Day 7
DAY 7: What character traits do you admire most about your parents?
My dad...what may I say about my dad...Other than he is the best person I know. He has the greatest heart, one full to the brim with love. So his kindness is what i admire most about him. He's a good person, always ready to help, to listen, to console. Of course no one is perfect and there are things about him that drive me mad! But i truly hope I can be as good a parent as he is. As present as he has been. As caring as he'll always be.
Although my relationship with my mom is harder, I admire her confidence. I wish I could have that trait and not doubt myself, always.
I am so hungry. I don't know why. I mean, I am eating but i've been trying to improve my habits and get a little healthier. Which is why i'm dying to eat something really bad for you but oh so delicious like pancakes with bananas and real Quebecois maple syrup. Yup, this is on the menu for this week-end. What's cookin' for you?
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Day 6
DAY 6: What is your Myer-Briggs personality?
Holy shite. Definetely had to google that one and *shame* take some online tests.
My M-B personality: ENFJ - Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
What does it mean- a few quirks:
-ENFJ's main interest in life is giving love, support, and a good time to other people. They are focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for people, and get their best personal satisfaction from this.
-ENFJ's are so externally focused that it's especially important for them to spend time alone. This can be difficult for some ENFJs, because they have the tendency to be hard on themselves and turn to dark thoughts when alone.
-ENFJs have definite values and opinions which they're able to express clearly and succinctly.
-The ENFJ may feel quite lonely even when surrounded by people. This feeling of aloneness may be exacerbated by the tendency to not reveal their true selves.
-ENFJs are typically very straight-forward and honest. They are generally bright, full of potential, energetic and fast-paced. They are usually good at anything which captures their interest.
-ENFJs are naturals for the social committee. Their uncanny ability to understand people and say just what needs to be said to make them happy makes them naturals for counseling
-ENFJs have a strong need for close, intimate relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort in creating and maintaining these relationships. They're very loyal and trustworthy once involved in a relationship.
- An ENFJ who has not found their place in the world is likely to be extremely sensitive to criticism, and to have the tendency to worry excessively and feel guilty.
Well, double shite, this is so so true! Try it!! All info via Human Metrics and Personality Page
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
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Images via |
Really in the mood for a lipstain. I find that whenever i purchase lipsticks, I end up not wearing them during the warmer days because, well-they literally melt on my face. So a nice stain sounds perfect. Currently debating between Josie Maran (i'm really into the idea of her paraben and toxic-free products) or Tarte. Decisions, decisions...
1. Tarte in Lovely
2. Josie Maran in Jive
3. Josie Maran in Tango
Day 5
DAY 5: What kind of person attracts you?
This is actually something i've been given a lot of thoughts to. they say that in your 20's your ideas of who you are, what you want and what you are looking for are constantly evolving, and I couldn't agree more.
In a lover, I am attracted to kindness. I know it sounds so cheesy but I do feel like kindness is wildly underrated (and I have said that before on here). I want someone respectful. Someone adventurous, someone who can deal with my sarcasm and mockery and give it to me too. Someone stable, someone who is rooted, someone who'll make me want to commit. Someone who talks but who listens as well. Really listens. I know these are quite hard to find and of course, nobody is perfect. I sure as hell am not. But i am hoping that i can find someone who matches at least, some of those criteria.
In friends, I look for loyalty and a good sense of humour.
What kind if person attracts you? xox
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Knit Knat
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Image via Dust Jacket Attic |
So my friend Val has recently become obsessed with knitting and she kind of got me excited too about the thought. I've always wanted to artistically inclined, but alas, i suck really hard at it. After seeing this image though, I have resolved to give it a try and set out to emulate the comfy/thick piece of perfectness. Wish me luck!
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via PeachyApricot |
For all those obsessed with Etsy but somehow overwhelmed with the amount of stuff/sellers, baby girl right here has got your back! Take a peep at Etsy find of the day, an amazing daily inspiration of all the wonderful handmade or re-loved stuff found on there. Speaking of, take a look at my new cup. Ha!
Midnight snack. Peanut butter and crackers. Sometimes, peanut butter straight of the jar.
Flowers. Impartial to white roses, always have, always will. Although peonies are quite ok too.
Smell. Clean laundry. My combination of choice: Gain original and Downy April Breeze. Win!
Day 4
DAY 4: One passion in your life?
I am a pretty passionate person. I get worked up over the smallest things, much like a child. So it's hard to pick one thing! But since I do...I guess i am passionate about learning. Give me any subject and i'll find something interesting about it. Interest me, and I want to learn all about it. It's as simple as that. I want to see everything, discover everything. I hope I never loose that. xox
Monday, June 25, 2012
"If you find a man with passion and who can also appreciate the small things in life like making dinner or watching a dumb tv show then hold on to him. Because next thing you know you're 30 and all the good guys are taken and you have to wait until they all get divorced and by that point, you're 45." Shameless
Day 3
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I've been told that i look a lot like my cousin Sophie and this is her spitting image... |
DAY 3: how do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
Holy mother of all things, these are not getting any easier are they? In 10 years...First and foremost, I want to be happy. I know that this sounds like a given but for any one who has had any sort of mental illness, happiness is a very fragile concept, one that can appear and disappear without warning. So I want to be happy, now and 10 years from now. Hopefully, I will be married (a secret dream of mine). I will have found a great partner, someone kind and that respects me but more importantly someone that I can have fun with, someone with whom I can explore life and live crazy adventures. I would also love to be a mom by then (please refer to my post yesterday Parenting...). I think deep down I do want kids. Or at least 1 kid. I've never put a time limit on A) finding someone and B)becoming a parent but by 37, it would be nice to have experienced both. I also see myself in a passionate job, a job that i love, that motivates me but that doesn't reduce me simply to a worker. I want to come home at night and just be. I want a job that allows me great balance between my professional and personal life. Finally, in 10 years, I wish I would have had the ability to cross somethings off my bucket list. I hope I will have traveled. I want to retain my zest for life. And I also wish to be healthy.
How do you imagine yourself in 10 years?
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Parenting is a subject that i am more than ever, juggling with. Not that i have any plans to be with child, anytime soon. But as I mentioned before, a slew of my friends are with child or plan on becoming pregnant soon, which makes me think of my own motherly aspirations - or lack thereof. You see, there are days when i can't wait to feel my belly swell, to feel that connection, to bring a child into this world. There are days when i feel 100% confident that i could be a good mom, that i have enough propensity for love to fulfill this child's needs, that i am strong enough emotionally to withstand anything and to provide a solid base. And then, there are days like today, where i meet my friend at a park with her two young boys and all the mom's are disheveled and frazzled and screaming and I don't know if this is what i want. My friend is a fabulous mom and honestly, I don't know how she does it. I wanted to scream the kids were so aggravating. Does that mean i'm not cut for this? Also, and this is one of my major flaws, i'm very selfish. I love my routine, my independence. When i'm not feeling so well, like today, i love to go home and watch movies and relax. And with kids, sometimes, that is simply impossible. So quite simply asked: i'm i fit to be a mom? Do you ever know if you're fit to be a mom? Let me know if you have the answer...xox
Day 2
DAY 2: list 10 things on your bucket list....
Wow, that's a though one. Mainly because my goals are constantly changing; my aspirations too. So for now, here it is, in no particular order:
1-Get a tattoo
2-Study/work abroad
3-Drive in the desert
4-Settle down
5-Visit: old Caribbean, Australia, Nepal, Mongolia, French Polynesia
6-Fall in love
7-Take a hot air balloon ride
8-Start a business
9-Learn to drive stick
10-Continue being happy
And when you least expect it, you find the perfect quote
"If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."
Paulo Coehlo
Saturday, June 23, 2012
15-day challenge
Because clearly, I need entertainment. Here we go...
DAY 1:
Well, my name is Aude. I'm 27 and living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I'm a work in progress. I am currently senior editor at a wonderful web company. I studied Journalism at Concordia University and went on to work in very varied fields before ending up in editing.
The idea for my blog came when i was working in the pharmaceutical field and needed a creative escape to the dreariness of my everyday tasks. I saw in a magazine -you know in the fan mail section- that someone had commented as Tomorrow Darling. I thought, this is what I want to be: Tomorrow's Darling. The term darling is very 50's to me and can mean many things: I could be darling, I could be someone's darling, etc. It speaks to wanting to improve your today for a better tomorrow. It's also a form of whishful thinking i've always had: that tomorrow, everything will be better.
Plans: an update
A couple weeks back, I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish this summer. Well, for no other reason than to -again- kick myself in the butt, here's an update on what's been accomplished or not.
1- Go camping in Maine --> Not yet but soon
2- Drive along the coast (a coast, any coast) --> Not yet...
3- Watch all the movies on my to-watch list--> I'm halfway through! This is going along good.
4-Give oysters another try-->Grrr...
5-Go to a fabulous party, in a fabulous dress --> YES!
6-Hop on a motorcycle (i've never rode on one)-->No :(
7-Take my dogs for a swim--->Nope
8-Walk along two main streets i am not familiar with in Montreal (Laurier and Bernard) and explore the shops and little cafés-->Did half of that one! Walked on Laurier street, was beautiful!
9-Try a completely foreign and exotic dish (i'm thinking Tibetan or Persian)-->No!!
10-Get a tattoo-->Well, this exercise is getting frustrating
11-Download more songs-->...
12-Clean my car--> a definite NO
13-Spend an evening watching the stars-->Did a little star-gazing the other day but not a full-evening
14-Make more smoothies-->Ok, I suck
15-Fall in love (with something or someone)--> Still working on that...
So...wish me luck! xox
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The beast
Please forgive the foreground (which i just realized is um-rather nude) and focus on Hugh aka Wolverine. Damn. This is a real man. xox
Curls girls
My sister's passion for all things Scottish has got me really excited about the new Disney/Pixar movie Brave. Although my excitement lies more in the fact that this is, as far as I remember, the first CURLY-HAIRED heroine in a cartoon movie. I mean, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Belle, Mulan, Arielle, Pocahontas...all perfectly smooth and straight hair. Rapunzel got a lil wavy thing going on but barely. Even the freakin' dark-colored skin princess in the Princess and the Frog (who should, by all accounts have an afro) wears a tight bun, what's up with that? So finally, a gorgeous-albeit animated- curly hair role model has arrived. Which made me think of my own head of unruly curly hair and how i manage-or fail- to manage it. Once upon a time...I had a lot of money. Or rather I was working for myself and I had the illusion that I was richer. Any who, I used to spoil myself with Kerastase products. And they are...AMAZING. The Oleo-curl line is divine, smells amazing and will leave your curls bouncy and manageable. Sure, its a bit of a stretch financially but it truly is worth it. Right now, my hair feels like straw and i truly wish i had some. So buy. xox
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